Book Review: The Power of your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy

Your subconscious mind is the cache of your memoir, beliefs, life experiences and life traumas.
The information heaped in our subconscious influences our behavior to a great deal. Being a student of psychology, I am in accord with the author that our subconscious directs out body. Subconscious works chiefly through recognized patterns and makes a perceptible difference in our lives. The subconscious Is always working whether you act upon it or not. For instance, when we associate our subconscious mind with good events,our beings automatically become happier and more cheerful.
The book tries to annotate that, how only a mere belief of your subconscious mind posses the power to drastically change you and your life. It explains, how repeating the same prayer every day and night can cure a disease and how the tireless action of the subconscious mind can help you keep all the vital functions of body under good control. Example :breathing. When we sleep, the subconscious is in charge of our breathing and lung function. Right now as you are reading this review your breathing is controlled by the subconscious and not only breathing but also all the other wondrously complex operations of the body. But when we are in a state of anger or when we are anxious our subconscious as well our bodily functions are interfered,thus making us difficult to breathe.
The author elucidated that in ancient times also people worked out many effective ways to tap the incredible power of the subconscious mind and used it for the healing purposes.
In every religion faith holds a very powerful position and every religion believes that if we put our faith in God everything will fall in the right place. But have you ever wondered what actually faith is? What power it has to make everything fall in the right place? Why our religions talk about it all the time? Why is that when doctors fail to treat a certain condition all they say Is have faith?
I am not a very religious person myself but I believe that faith is a medium to conversate with your subconscious and to instruct it repeatedly what you and your body wants. People don’t believe in miracles but I say that miracles are just the way of your subconscious to prove that it posses great power over your life.
To conclude, this book is a stupendous way to make people au Courant about the powerhouse they carry within. In our deeper mind is infinite intelligence and power, we just have to calmly think what we want ;visualize it’s coming into fruition from this moment forward. Your subconscious will accept your blueprints (as the author says) and brings all those things to pass.

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